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Price increases for meat have levelled off


In January 2023, the consumer prices of broilers (1%), beef (0%) and pork (-1%) have hardly changed compared to November 2022. In the same period, consumer prices for potatoes, eggs, vegetables and fruit rose by around 3 to 4%. However, the prices for dairy and bread showed the strongest rise, with price increases over this period of 5 and 6% respectively.

The average annual price increase for consumer food products was 17.6% in January (CBS). The consumer prices for dairy (29%), eggs (24%), beef (21%) and bread (19%) rose markedly faster, however. The annual consumer prices for poultry (17%), pork (15%), potatoes (14%), vegetables (11%) and fruit (6%) showed a slower increase. Consumer prices have been rising since mid-2021. Except for vegetables and fruit, the majority of these price increase took place in 2022.

The prices of farm products still remained at a high level in January 2023. However, between November and January, farm prices of broilers chickens (-1%), beef (-1%), milk (-6%) and grain (-11%) decreased. Compared to a year earlier, the difference in output price was the greatest for eggs: prices in January 2023 were 122% higher than in January 2022. For grain, the difference compared to a year ago, is the smallest (5%).

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Jop Woltjer

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